
 is so step-by-step, it’s fail-proof.

  • GET THE MONEYMINDSET NEEDED TO GROW to breakthrough your comfort zone of making MONTHLY what you might be making YEARLY right now
  • VERIFY & VALIDATE THAT YOUR COURSE TOPIC WILL SELL Get 100 beta testers with ads within 72 hours OR use organic strategies to get testers for FREE!
  • CREATE A COURSE OUTLINE THAT IS “RESULTS-ORIENTED” for huge results from your students, course completion rates through the roof
  • CREATE A UNIQUE METHOD THAT GETS YOU TO STAND OUT amongst other people in your industry! This is one part “competitive advantage” one part “unique selling proposition”, one part “Blue Ocean Strategy” another part based on Eugene Schwartz’s Breakthrough Advertising on “Product Mechanism” This is the thing you will become KNOWN for and it will eliminate competition.
  • GET YOUR COURSE INTO THE HANDS OF 22,000+ BETA TESTERS from Jenna promoting you to her email list that will actually do the work! (For Pay-in-Full Launchers Only)
  • LEARN THE BASICS OF VIDEO PRODUCTION (… you’ll create course content WITHOUT BEING ON CAMERA !) You’ll learn filming, editing, and video production. And if you don’t want to do this yourself, you’ll learn how to hire someone for $5 hour to do it for you.
  • DESIGN BEAUTIFUL INTERACTIVE PDFS: and if you don’t like designing, you’ll get my resources for how to hire a person to do this for $5 hour so your students are engaged (and impressed)!
  • CREATIVELY DIRECT AN AMAZING VIDEO BUMPER ANIMATION to add instant polish and professionalism to any videos you make moving forward

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