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Matt Choi – Advanced Options Strategy Blueprint (AOSB)
The 8 strategies that you will discover all have one or more of the following characteristics:
- Combine options mechanics and technical analysis to produce high probability opportunities
- Trade a specific situation and/or a specific chart pattern that is happening in the markets
- Use time decay (Theta) and volatility change (Vega) as the foundation
- Use Delta and Gamma to turbo-boost your equity curve
- Exploit loopholes in the traditional options pricing model
At the end of this 8 weeks online program, you be armed with:
- 8 advanced options strategies that you can use to trade ANY market condition
- A steady stream of trade opportunities that have high probability and high rewards
- The exact day of the month to put on these trades
- Exactly what strike prices to buy and sell
- Which expiration date to use
- When to exit a trade for a profit or a small loss (yes, there are occasional losing trades)
- A blueprint of how to trade options profitably YEAR ROUND in ALL MARKET CONDITIONS
Get Advanced Options Strategy Blueprint (AOSB) or the other courses from the same one of these categories: Stock Trading, Matt Choi, Course for free on Course Sharing.
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