Search Courses

Showing 251-279 of 279 items.

Barry Eichengreen – Capital Flows and Crises

The implications of capital mobility for growth and stability are some of the most contentious and least understood contemporary issues in economics. In this book, Barry Eichengreen discusses historical, theoretical, empirical, and policy aspects of the...

NaviTrader – NaviTrader Trading Tools

NaviTrader – NaviTrader Trading Tools NaviTrader provides premier training programs for Futures, FOREX, Stock, and Options Trading. Our live, web-based, educational trading programs provide the essential components needed to succeed in the world of trading. Learn how...

MessorAnalytics – RBTools (Mar 2012)

What is NinjaTrader?NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can get...

ScalperSoftware – ScalperSoftware (Feb-Mar 2011)

Day trading is within the reach of more traders since the creation of the E-mini, S&P, Key Indices, DAX, London FTSE Market and Russell 2000. In the past, even serious traders who were exposed to big...

VivoDeLaBolsa – Indicator Stopper & Abeja

All our indicators are very easy to use, comprehension and assimilation. In addition, we offer a wide range of possibilities ranging from manuals, workbooks, DVD courses, seminars, training videos or even private.With our indicators, trading acquires a...

YourTradingRoom – Your Trading Room (Nov. 2009)

NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can get started with...

EotPro – End of Trend Trading Pro Adaptive Indicators (Dec 2009)

EotPro – End of Trend Trading Pro Adaptive Indicators (Dec 2009) What is NinjaTrader? NinjaTrader is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader to our clients...

ProEquityTrader – Target Trader Indicator Pack

What is NinjaTrader?NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can get...

YourTradingRoom – GPT Bravo Strategy

What is NinjaTrader?NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can get...

Hans Hannula – Your Electric Life

Your Electric Life, Science for a New Age Whether you realize it or not, you are being strongly influenced by a very powerful electrical force – the earth’s electric field.This field produces currents through your body...

ScalperSoftware – Scalper Pivot Point

NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can get started with...

Larry Williams – Sure Thing Commodity Trading

Larry Williams – Sure Thing Commodity Trading 64 Videos + 1 PDF Manual Reach a new level in your trading through Sure Thing Commodity Trading. Larry has always been an innovator in the markets, and once...

Bob Schmetterer – Leap. A Revolution in Creative Business Strategy

Traditionally, company leaders develop a business strategy based on bottom lines and profit margins, then hire an ad agency to back up that strategy with creative advertising. But history shows that some of the most effective...

Neotoolbox – NeoHarmonic Tools (Dec 2012)

Instruction:Can work with the free, legal and cracked version of NT7!!!1) File - Utilites - Import NinjaScript… – fileORyou may use another way for import addons:For it simple extract files with and copy/replace...

Prime Line – Market Predictor (Oct 2012)

What is NinjaTrader?NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can get...

Indicatormall – Export to Excel

This indicator directly connects a NinjaTrader chart to the Microsoft Excel and exports Open, High, Low, Close and all corresponding indicator values into a new or existing workbook into a specified sheet. The indicator exports either...

Candlecharts – Nison Candle Scanner Pro

Candlecharts – Nison Candle Scanner Pro Steve Nison is known worldwide as the father of modern candlestick charting. He not only introduced this exciting and powerful charting method to Western traders, but he continues training thousands...

Easyeminitrade – EZIndicators (Sept 2013)

InstructionCan work with the free, legal and cracked version of NinjaTrader 7.For import ninjatrader indicator copy/replace all files from folder “EZIndicators-Patched”into “C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Documents\NinjaTrader 7\bin\Custom\”Done.NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We...

Noel Amenc – Portfolio Theory and Performance Analysis

For many years asset management was considered to be a marginal activity, but today, it is central to the development of financial industry throughout the world. Asset management’s transition from an “art and craft” to an...

Options University & Ron Ianieri – Options University Mastery Series

Options University – Ron Ianieri – Options University Mastery Series Module 1: An education in Option Theory must be approached in the same way an office building is built. The first thing is to build a...

Adrian Silvescu – Fourier Neural Networks

Adrian Silvescu – Fourier Neural Networks (Article)size 587 KBThe first mathematical model of a neuron was proposed by McCulloch & Pitts[1943].The underlying idea that this model tries to capture is that the response function of a...

Financial Algorithms – Market Balance Indicators Pack

Final MarketBalance is a unique way to view prices, bid, ask and volume together on the same chart while showing the relation between market powers as they change during the trading session. What is NinjaTrader? NinjaTrader ...

MFB – Print Plus Indicator

What is NinjaTrader?NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can get...

4xpipfactory – 4x PIPFactory Indicators Pack

What is NinjaTrader?NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can get...

Erol Bortucene – Advanced Training Course + The ULTIMATE Step-By-Step Guide to Online Currency Trading

Erol Bortucene/Cynthia Macy, Owners of and any of their affiliates, will not be held responsible for the reliability or accuracy of the information available in this document. The content provided is put forward in goodfaith...

eMini-Master – eMini-Master Pro Software for Esignal + Manual

eMini-Master Pro Software for Esignal + Manual ( is the leading provider of high performance trading solutions & software for professional and individual traders.eSignal was established over 25 years ago, with headquarters in Hayward, California and...

Marc H.Gerstein – A 4-Step System to Screening the Markets

Marc H.Gerstein – A 4-Step System to Screening the Markets A 4-Step System for Screening the Markets: Integrating Technical Timing with Fundamental Indicators for Superior Stock Selection (DVD) with Marc Gerstein (2003) Discover a four-step method...

Pristine – Dan Gibby – Market Preparation Trading Gaps & Trading the Open

Pristine – Dan Gibby – Market Preparation Trading Gaps & Trading the Open Trading is one of the most dynamic businesses in existence today. It allows the astute few who know how to prepare for and...

Market Profile – Chicago Board of Trade

Market Profile – Chicago Board of Trade A Market Profile is an intra-day charting technique (price vertical, time/activity horizontal) devised by J. Peter Steidlmayer, a trader at the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), ca 1959-1985. Steidlmayer...


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