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Showing 101-115 of 115 items.

David L. Caplan – Trade Like a Bookie

Synopsis: Have you ever wanted to trade so that the odds were in your favor? David Caplan has combined his forty years of trade research, probability research, and poker playing experience together and come up with...

Sam Stovall – The Seven Rules of Wall Street

It’s an old saying, but this Wall Street adage is as relevant today as when it was first uttered. It worked once again during the market decline that began in 2008. In The Seven Rules of Wall...

Walter Bressert – Intraday Timing for Low Risk Swing Trading (Audio, WorkBook)

Walter Bressert – Intraday Timing for Low Risk Swing Trading (Audio, WorkBook) About the Author Walter Bressert has been using market cycles to trade stocks and commodities since the 1970s when his HAL Commodity Cycles was...

Gordon Pepper – The Liquidity Theory of Asset Prices

Professional investors are bombarded on a day to day basis with assertions about the role liquidity is playing and will play in determining prices in the financial markets. Few, if any, of the providers or recipients...

Walter Bressert – Trading Techniques to Buy Bottoms and Sell Tops

Walter Bressert – Trading Techniques to Buy Bottoms and Sell Tops Big reversal tops and bottoms occur at the peaks and valleys of long term moves. Smaller and tradable tops and bottoms also occur in trending...

Adrian Silvescu – Fourier Neural Networks

Adrian Silvescu – Fourier Neural Networks (Article)size 587 KBThe first mathematical model of a neuron was proposed by McCulloch & Pitts[1943].The underlying idea that this model tries to capture is that the response function of a...

Robert Kast – Economics and Finance of Risk and of the Future

This book uses real-world examples to show how individual and collective risks can be blended and treated in a reliable decision-making framework that draws its inspiration from decision theory and market based mechanisms. It then goes...

Kevin Haggerty – Trading With The Generals 2003-2004

Kevin Haggerty Trading With The Generals CD Kevin Haggerty’s Trading With The Generals, presented on high-resolution 4 CD-ROMs and 777-page Trading Strategy Manualwith over 350 clear and detailed charts, tables, techniques, strategies and technology to make high-probability...

Thomas J.Hine – NASD Arbitration Solution

The right brain guide to NASD compliance for Registered Representatives This book tells the thrilling story of Thomas Hine’s 22-month NASD arbitration, and how he applied timeless martial arts principles to build and protect his wealth...

Jack Gillen – Astro View Horse Racing Show

6 MP3 CD set in jewel cases – these are MP3 CDs made by Jack Gillen in which he talks about Horse Racing predictions, including Mercury Factor, Moon Factor, Sun Factor, Jupiter Factor and the Mars...

Mark Whistler – Trading Pairs-Capturing Profits and Hedging Risk with Statistical Arbitrage Strategies

Mark Whistler – Trading Pairs-Capturing Profits and Hedging Risk with Statistical Arbitrage Strategies An accessible guide to the pairs trading technique A leading arbitrage expert gives traders real tools for using pairs trading, including customizable Excel...

Robert Miner – High Probability Trading Strategies

Robert Miner – High Probability Trading Strategies In High Probability Trading Strategies, author and well-known trading educator Robert Miner skillfully outlines every aspect of a practical trading plan–from entry to exit–that he has developed over the...

E.W Bullinger – The Witness Of The Stars

Another save by Artisan Publishers…. of a great now out-of-print book by original publisher…back in print!Building upon ancient astronomical sources and current scientific data E. W. Bullinger displays how the constellations bear witness to the accuracy...

Samuel Benner – Benner’s Prophecies Of Future Ups And Down

Samuel Benner – Benner’s Prophecies Of Future Ups And Down Excerpt from Benner’s Prophecies of Future Ups and Downs in Prices: What Years to Make Money on Pig-Iron, Hogs, Corn, and Provisions Preface; Introduction; Predictions; Pig-iron;...

Marvin Appel – Investing With Exchange Traded Funds Made Easy

Possessing a rare skill set amongst professional investors and authors, Dr. Appel has successfully managed to provide readers with the perfect mix of up-to-date details on the various types and asset classes of ETFs, crucial, tried,...


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