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"Dee Even"
Showing 151-200 of 203 items.

Myles Wilson Walker – The Power of the Hexagon

Myles Wilson Walker – The Power of the Hexagon The Complete 1908 Intraday Price Target Method Since publishing my book Super Timing in 1999 I have received numerous letters asking for more information on how to...

L.Edward Johndro – The Earth In The Heavens

L.Edward Johndro – The Earth In The Heavens L.Edward Johndro was one of the great astrologers of the last century. I have found that it is more important to understand his concept of astrology then it...

Mytradersstateofmind – Mindfulness Training Exercise For Traders

Mytradersstateofmind - Mindfulness Training Exercise for Traders - MP3 This is a 26 minute Mindfulness Development guided meditation that helps the trader develop a sense of detached observation during his trading. It is one of the...

L.Edward Johndro – The Stars How And Where They Influence

L.Edward Johndro – The Stars How And Where They Influence L.Edward Johndro was one of the great astrologers of the last century. I have found that it is more important to understand his concept of astrology...

Jon Rappoport – Power Outside The Matrix

Jon Rappoport – Power Outside The Matrix Power Outside The Matrix has been 30 years in the making, and I'm very happy to announce it is now available. This mega-collection is all about achieving power outside...

Larry Williams – Stock Trading And Investing Course

Larry Williams – Stock Trading And Investing Course Here’s the strategy… Here are the facts… $1,000 invested with Buffett in 1988 would now be worth $47,060. For that same time period, $1,000 invested in my...

Bill Poulos – Divergence Super BluePrint

Bill Poulos – Divergence Super BluePrint “Who Else Wants A Time-Tested, Step-By-Step BLUEPRINT That Reveals How You Can Discover Hidden Trades With Astonishing Simplicity (While Other Traders Just Sit By And Twiddle Their Thumbs) That You Can...

Macro Ops – Price Action Masterclass

Macro Ops – Price Action Masterclass Becoming successful in trading and investing is not an easy journey. ​It’s a rough road — one filled with more twists, turns, potholes, and dead-ends than you can count. ​ Each leg of the...

Maury Fertig – The Deadly 7 Sins Of Investing

Maury Fertig - The Deadly 7 Sins of Investing During his successful 17-year career at Salomon Brothers, Maury Fertig witnessed many smart people making very bad investment decisions - all because they let their emotions influence...

Aldo Lagrutta – Evo Fortune 500

Hi, I’m Aldo Lagrutta, And today, I’m going to share the exact reason why it’s so difficult for you to make money trading Oil even if you have been trading other markets for many years and...

Chris Curran – Trading The E-Minis Successfully for a Living

Chris Curran – Trading The E-Minis Successfully for a Living Chris Curran’s "Trading The E-Minis Successfully For A Living" Trading Course 3 CD+1 PDF Spend Over 15 Hours Learning To Trade Directly From Professional E-Mini Trader Chris...

Dr. Gary Dayton – Chart Reading Mastery Course

Dr. Gary Dayton – Chart Reading Mastery Course Chart Reading Mastery The Unique Comprehensive Course Where You Can Learn to Trade like Top Traders Taught by Dr. Gary Dayton, a Wyckoff expert, trading psychologist and trading...

Myles Wilson Walker – Super Timing (W.D.Ganns Astrological Method)

Myles Wilson Walker - Super Timing. W.D.Ganns Astrological Method If you are a complete newcomer to astrology and you want to get an overview about what financial astrology is and how it is used to time...

L.Edward Johndro – The Astrological Dictionary

L.Edward Johndro – The Astrological Dictionary L.Edward Johndro was one of the great astrologers of the last century. I have found that it is more important to understand his concept of astrology then it is too...

Orderflows – Orderflows Inner Circle Video Club Access

Orderflows - Orderflows Inner Circle Video Club Access What will you learn? Currently there are 56 recorded webinar trainings (new ones will be added as well): These are my personal trading strategies and tips. This is my...

Forex Reviews – 5 Day Trend Trading Series

Forex Reviews – 5 Day Trend Trading Series Training Series Itinerary Day One Video Training Introduction to Trends and looking at how the market moves without going to live charts, whether Uptrend or Downtrend or Range....

Robert B.Hanna – The Hanna ETF Money Flow System

ETF Money Flow Trading System by tradingmarkets Here are the main features of Rob’s system that you’ll be able to immediately apply to your trading: Potentially make money in both up and down markets with less...

Nathan Lewis – Gold. The Once & Future Money

Nathan Lewis - Gold. The Once & Future MoneyFor most of the last three millennia, the world’s commercial centers have used one or another variant of a gold standard. It should be one of the best...

Fxsanalytics – FXS Analytics Training

Fxsanalytics - FXS Analytics TrainingWHAT’S INSIDE FXS Analytics TrainingFull video lecture series covering many facets of price action, volume, fundamental trading and beyond Hundreds of accompanying slides, organized by topic Reference bookletsDeep content with an array of...

Aldo Lagrutta – Trendline Mastery (TradingMastery)

Aldo Lagrutta – Trendline Mastery (TradingMastery) Hi, my name is Aldo Lagrutta. I am a Technical Analyst and a Certified Financial Technician from the International Federation of Technical Analysts. I hold several Financial Market designations, including...

The Breakout Strategies Masterclass (Video Courses Only)

The Breakout Strategies Masterclass (Video Courses Only) The 'Breakout Strategies Masterclass' will teach you the proven 8-step process to build profitable breakout strategies, including: The Breakout Strategies Masterclass Module #1: PREPARE - Everything you need to...

Dr. Gary Dayton – Building A Professional Trading Plan

Dr. Gary Dayton - Building A Professional Trading Plan It’s no secret – trading has a very high failure rate. So how can you be different? There are many factors involved, but one sure difference is...

Daniele Prandelli & sacredscience – The Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Cause and Effect Creating a Planetary Price-Time Map Of Market Action Through Sympathetic Resonance Breakthroughs in W. D. Gann's Price-Time Relationships By Daniele Prandelli Our new course, The Law of Cause and Effect:...

Alexander Goulden & Sacredscience – Behind The Veil

Alexander Goulden – Behind The Veil (Sacredscience) One of the greatest challenges we face here at Sacred Science Institute is in continuing to find new and practical material to present to our clientele that will both...

Quantumtradingeducation – Fundamental Analysis Module

Quantumtradingeducation - Fundamental Analysis ModuleYou do not need to be an economist to understand the world of fundamental analysis. But you will need to understand each release, its importance, and what it actually means in terms...

Markets Mastered – How to Spot a Trade Before it Happens

About Markets Mastered Trading EducationMy name is Nick Kruger and since learning to trade profitably in the 1990’s, my main aim in life and daily focus now is to teach as many people as possible to...

Hima Reddy – The Trading Methodologies of W.D. Gann (A Guide to Building Your Technical Analysis Toolbox)

Hima Reddy – The Trading Methodologies of W.D. Gann (A Guide to Building Your Technical Analysis Toolbox) W.D. Gann’s works helped to pioneer the discipline of technical analysis, and they still offer immense potential value to...

Londonforexrush – The London Forex Rush System

The London Forex Rush System London Forex Rush System Dear trader, Intra-day trading the Forex market is a tough business. The majority of intra-day traders lose money, and the reason for that is because of poor...

Yuri Shamenko – Yuri Shamenko's Trading Videos

Yuri Shramenko's Trading Videos September-early December 2013 Description Tide Wave Ripple General trading philosophy Horizontal Ephemeris Specific timing techniques Planetary Geometry Advanced planetary aspect combinations Planetary Speed Ideas for researchers to practice with Planetary Stations Specific...

Francois-Serge Lhabitant – Hedge Funds

Francois-Serge Lhabitant - Hedge Funds An excellent and comprehensive source of information on hedge funds! From a quantitative view Lhabitant has done it once again by meticulously looking at the important topics in the hedge fund...

Richard Brandt – Capital Instincts. Life As A Entrepreneur, Financier And Athelete

Richard Brandt – Capital Instincts. Life as a Entrepreneur, Financier and AtheleteProduct DescriptionAn insider’s view of the investment banking world from someone who is actually shaping itPowerful, controversial and determined, Thomas Weisel is known for his...

Joe Ross – Andy's EMini Bar (40 Min System)

Joe Ross - Andy's EMini Bar - 40 Min SystemAndy's E-mini Bar ™A new way "with controlled risk" for intraday tradingwith stable payoutsAfter months of research, testing and real trading we are still satisfied with the...

Jens C. – Trading Pro System (

Jens C. - Trading Pro System ( I will tell you right now... my trading system is NOT gambling!Bottom line:I treat trading as a real business. In fact, I don't even consider myself to be an...

The Price Action Room – The Scalper’s Boot Camp (2011)

The Price Action Room – The Scalper’s Boot Camp (2011) The Price Action Room is pleased to announce a recording of an intensive three day workshop dealing with scalping the futures markets. Our mission is always...

Paul McCulley – Your Financial Edge

Paul McCulley - Your Financial EdgePraise for Your Financial Edge"Paul McCulley is the man to heed. His knowledge of financial markets runs deep, and his experience has been the best. Beyond all his financial and economic...

Awodele – W.D. Gann: Divination By Mathematics: Harmonic Analysis

Awodele – W.D. Gann: Divination By Mathematics: Harmonic Analysis In reading and studying Gann's novel, The Tunnel Thru the Air or Looking Back From 1940, a certain set of passages had always grabbed the author's attention...

Juan Romero – The Art Of Artificial Evolution

Juan Romero - The Art of Artificial EvolutionThis comprehensive book gives an up-to-date survey of the relevant bioinspired computing research fields - such as evolutionary computation, artificial life, swarm intelligence and ant colony algorithms - and...

Mitch Zacks – Ahead Of The Market -The Zacks Method For Spotting Stocks Early In Any Economy

Mitch Zacks - Ahead of the Market -The Zacks Method for Spotting Stocks Early in any EconomyBeat the Pros at Their Own GameAll too often, you learn about good stocks far too late to profit from...

Shirley Hudson & Vic Noble – The London Close Trade Strategy

Shirley Hudson & Vic Noble - The London Close Trade Strategy Discover How Shirley Hudson Consistently Trades at an astonishing +93% Accuracy While Banking a Mind-blowing 41,261 Pips Since Jan. 2010 — by Only Trading the...

Ben Stein – The Litle Book of Bulletproof Investing Review Investing do's and don'ts from some of the most recognizable voices in personal finance It's been a tough year for investors. Many have seen their retirement accounts dwindle dramatically and are looking for a...

Kathy Lien – Day Trading the Currency Market Technical and Fundamental Strategies To Profit from Market Swings

Written by Kathy Lien—chief strategist for the number one online currency broker in the world—Day Trading the Currency Market reveals a variety of technical and fundamental profit-making strategies for trading the currency market, and provides a detailed...

Mark Boucher’s – How To Find Stocks That Make Runaway Moves

In Mark Boucher’s How To Find Stocks That Makes Runaway Moves Interactive Trading CD, You Will Learn The Following… First, Mark Boucher will teach you the proven strategies I use to select and trade stocks that...

David L. Western – Booms, Bubbles and Busts in US Stock Markets

In the US stock market things have changed a great deal since the heady days of the 1980s and we are now entering an era of profound uncertainty, with most analysts predicting trouble ahead. Indeed, the...

Benjamin Van Vliet – Building Automated Trading Systems C++.NET

Over the next few years, the proprietary trading and hedge fund industries will migrate largely to automated trade selection and execution systems. Indeed, this is already happening. While several finance books provide C++ code for pricing...

David Novac – Building Wealth In Stock Market

Studying ‘Building Wealth in the Stock Market’, is equivalent to spending a whole day with David Novac.In the double DVD program, David takes you step-by-step through his stock investing and trading strategies and rules, including:how to...

Dirk Du Toit – Bird Watch in Lion Country 2010 Ed.

Dirk Du Toit – Bird Watch in Lion Country 2010 Ed. If you haven’t heard of Bird Watching in Lion Country – Retail Forex Trading Explained, or you know about the book but are still considering...

Marion A.Brach – Real Options in Practice

Real options are quickly becoming the valuation and decision-making method of choice for many companies, including oil and gas companies, utilities and natural resource companies, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, Internet companies, and many others.Real Options in...

Robert Prechter – Introduction to the Elliot Wave Principle Seminar

Robert Prechter – Introduction to the Elliot Wave Principle Seminar A Great Classic for Three Decades: Now In Its 10th Edition, Consider What This “Definitive Text” Offers You Take a moment to look over your books...

Peter Martin – Equities

Product Detail:Publisher: Marketplace BooksMinutes: 60ISBN: 159280215XType: Video – DVDPublish Date: 11/1/2005List Price: $79.95Condition: Brand New in original shrink wrap.Synopsis:Equities with Peter MartinDo you need help interpreting key technical indicators and feel you have nowhere to turn? If...

Timon Weller – The 5 Day Trend Training Series 2014

Timon Weller – The 5 Day Trend Training Series 2014 Look for Trend, Wait for Pullback, Look for the Trade, Take the Trade.. Learn a simple yet effective way to see the market between major zones...


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