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Showing 51-58 of 58 items.

Ian J. Bateman – Suitable Resource Use & Economic Dynamics

30 years after the publication of the famous symposium issue of the Review of Economic Studies, which started the neoclassical literature on growth theory and resource economics, this volume seeks to reinforce research efforts in order...

Thomas Schneeweis – The New Science of Asset Allocation

A feasible asset allocation framework for the post 2008 financial world Asset allocation has long been a cornerstone of prudent investment management; however, traditional allocation plans failed investors miserably in 2008. Asset allocation still remains an...

Frank Paul – Fast Track To Forex

Sale Page: forexmentorThis product will available in 2-3 weeks later after you pay.A 6-Hour, Step-by-Step Comprehensive Homestudy Video Course That Takes You Through The Essential Elementsof Forex Trading…Dear Aspiring Forex Trader,Most newcomers to Forex marvel at the potential of being able...

FXPipCapital – Training Package

What We DoAt FX Pip Capital, forex traders are given an opportunity to learn from professional traders with 20+ years experience. Our traders have worked from the ground floor up in our respective fields starting out...

Adrienne Toghraie – Trading on Target

Adrienne Toghraie – Trading on Target Size 21.8 MB ISBN: 978-1-118-06491-7 239 pages A leading trainer of traders explains the process and pitfalls to trading success While advances in trading tools and technology have increased the...

Adrian Silvescu – Fourier Neural Networks

Adrian Silvescu – Fourier Neural Networks (Article)size 587 KBThe first mathematical model of a neuron was proposed by McCulloch & Pitts[1943].The underlying idea that this model tries to capture is that the response function of a...

Ganapathy Vidyamurthy – Pairs Trading: Quantitative Methods & Analysis

Ganapathy Vidyamurthy – Pairs Trading: Quantitative Methods & Analysis The first in-depth analysis of pairs trading Pairs trading is a market-neutral strategy in its most simple form. The strategy involves being long (or bullish) one asset...

Sepharial – The Basis of Scripture Prophecy

Sepharial – The Basis of Scripture Prophecy WHEN it is said that “wise men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit”, we are, I think, rightly disposed to believe that in such...


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