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Showing 1-14 of 14 items.

Uwe Albrecht – A Course in Healing

Uwe Albrecht – A Course in Healing Energy medicine is the healing art of the 21st century. With A Course in Healing, everyone can learn and expand on it. In a humorous way, protagonists Mr. Mind...

Linda Raschke – Market Internals Intraday Timing Webinar Lbrgroup

Linda Raschke - Market Internals Intraday Timing Webinar lbrgroupLinda RaschkeLinda Raschke has been a full-time professional trader for over 20 years. She began her trading career on the Pacific Coast Stock Exchange and later moved to...

Blandine Laperche – John Kenneth Galbraith & The Future Of Economics

Blandine Laperche - John Kenneth Galbraith & The Future of Economics This book examines the life and works of John Kenneth Galbraith and demonstrates how his non-conventional approach to economics is critical to understanding the trouble...

Dean Albrecht – Taking Advantage Of The Markets With Quant Research

Dean Albrecht - Taking Advantage of the Markets with Quant ResearchQuantitative Research…the recognition of non-random, recurring patterns. Be introduced to this process as applied to the markets, and see the amazing results of a system that...

Mike Albright – Chart Analysis Boot Camp Course Webinar

The Course contains 12 Modules or over 12 hours tutorial.It’s suitable for a beginner to intermediate trader.The video is playable on your computerMike AlbrightSVP Global Human Resources at Jarden Consumer Solutions Boca Raton, FloridaConsumer Goods Current...

Hank Pruden – The Three Skills of Top Trading

Hank Pruden – The Three Skills of Top Trading The Three Skills of Top Trading Behavioral Systems Building, Pattern Recognition, and Mental State Management HANK PRUDEN This book gives the trader, the investor, and the analyst...

Benjamin Graham & David Dodd – Security Analysis Sixth Edition, Foreword By Warren Buffett

Security Analysis Sixth Edition, Foreword by Warren BuffettFirst published in 1934, Security Analysis is one of the most influential financial books ever written. Selling more than one million copies through five editions, it has provided generations of investors...

Dariusz Jemielniak – Management Practices In High-Tech Environments

Dariusz Jemielniak - Management Practices in High-Tech EnvironmentsThe concept of innovation management and learning organizations concepts strongly emphasize the high role of human/intellectual capital in the company and the crucial function of knowledge in modern society....

Norman L.Johnson – Univariate Discrete Distributions

Norman L.Johnson - Univariate Discrete DistributionsDescriptionThis Set Contains: Continuous Multivariate Distributions, Volume 1, Models and Applications, 2nd Edition by Samuel Kotz, N. Balakrishnan and Normal L. Johnson Continuous Univariate Distributions, Volume 1, 2nd Edition by Samuel Kotz, N....

Andrew W.Lo – Long-Term Memory In The Stock Market Prices (Article)

Andrew W.Lo - Long-Term Memory in the Stock Market Prices (Article)A test for long-run memory that is robust to short-range dependence is developed. It is a simple extension of Mandelbrot's "range over standard deviation" or R/S...

Hans Hannula – Cash In On Chaos

Hans Hannula – Cash In On Chaos The Cash In On Chaos course is a home study course which teaches Dr. Al Larson’s unique Chaos Market Theory. This theory explains market behavior in terms of Chaos...

Macro Ops – Price Action Masterclass

Macro Ops – Price Action Masterclass Becoming successful in trading and investing is not an easy journey. ​It’s a rough road — one filled with more twists, turns, potholes, and dead-ends than you can count. ​ Each leg of the...

Brett N.Steenbarger – Unsorted Articles about the Psychology of Trading

Brett N.Steenbarger – Unsorted Articles about the Psychology of Trading “The one, only, and by far the best book synthesizing psychology and investing. In addition to providing modern, scientific knowledge about psychology, this book provides a...

Brett N.Steenbarger – The Psychology Of Trading

Brett N.Steenbarger – The Psychology Of Trading “The one, only, and by far the best book synthesizing psychology and investing. In addition to providing modern, scientific knowledge about psychology, this book provides a mirror into the...


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