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Showing 101-150 of 353 items.

Martin Pring – Martin Pring on Market Momentum

Martin Pring – Martin Pring on Market Momentum Martin Pring's latest offering, Martin Pring on Market Momentum is the first totally comprehensive book written on the subject. Written in his usual no-nonsense and down-to-earth style, the...

Jeffrey Kleintop – Market Evolution

Jeffrey Kleintop - Market EvolutionToday's investors face a challenging environment like none before. The factors that affect financial markets are evolving rapidly and the changes may surprise unprepared investors with investment performance that is below the...

Jay Abraham – China Connection

Jay Abraham – China ConnectionHow MY Unreleased, Newest Body of Work Got To China Before the U.S.!OK.….. here’s the skinny: Fifteen months ago I was commissioned and paid high six-figures to create an elite, one-of-its-kind, highly-evolved...

Walter Baeyens – RSI. Logic Singals & Time Frame Correlation

Walter Baeyens – RSI. Logic Signals & Time Frame CorrelationProduct DescriptionRSI: Logic, Signals & Time Frame Correlation explores the new RSI analysis method developed by options trader, Walter Baeyens. His Time Frame Correlation examines contradictory RSI...

Leszek Rutkowski – Flixible Neuro-Fuzzy System. Structures, Learning And Performance Evaluation

Leszek Rutkowski - Flixible Neuro-Fuzzy System. Structures, Learning and Performance Evaluation Flexible Neuro-Fuzzy Systems is the first professional literature about the new class of powerful, flexible fuzzy systems. The author incorporates various flexibility parameters to the construction...

Adil Najam – Trade & Environment

Adil Najam - Trade & EnvironmentTrade and environment policy is increasingly intertwined and the stakes are nearly always high in both trade and environmental terms. These issues are often complex and discussions tend to become very...

Hrishikesh Vinod & Derrick Reagle – Preparing For The Worst Incorporating Downside Risk In Stock Market Investments

Hrishikesh Vinod Derrick Reagle - Preparing for the Worst Incorporating Downside Risk in StockA timely approach to downside risk and its role in stock market investmentsWhen dealing with the topic of risk analysis, most books on...

Benjamin Eden – A Course In Monetary Economics

Benjamin Eden - A Course in Monetary EconomicsA Course in Monetary Economics is an insightful introduction to advanced topics in monetary economics. Accessible to students who have mastered the diagrammatic tools of economics, it discusses real issues...

Robert Dubil – An Arbitrage Guide To Financial Markets

Robert Dubil – An Arbitrage Guide to Financial MarketsDescriptionAn Arbitrage Guide to Financial Markets is the first book to explicitly show the linkages of markets for equities, currencies, fixed income, and commodities. Using a unique structural...

Arnold Zellner – Statistics, Econometrics & Forecasting

Arnold Zellner - Statistics, Econometrics & ForecastingThis book is based on two Sir Richard Stone lectures at the Bank of England and the National Institute for Economic and Social Research. Largely non-technical, the first part of...

Sean Vosler – Entrepreneur Club + Bonus

Sean Vosler – Entrepreneur Club + BonusAn Inside Look at a 20k/mo Info Business With Next to Zero OverheadWhy we’re in an info-product resurgence, what strategies are working today, and what you should do now tap...

Scott McCleskey – When Free Markets Fail. Saving The Market When It Can't Save Itself

Scott McCleskey - When Free Markets Fail Saving the Market When It Can't Save Itself Authoritative guidance for navigating inevitable financial market regulation The reform of this country's financial regulation will be one of the most...

Thomas Long – Owner’s Handbook. New Trading Techniques Using Planetary Harmonics

Thomas Long – Owner’s Handbook. New Trading Techniques Using Planetary HarmonicsProduct DescriptionDEFINITION OF ‘TRADING BOOK’The portfolio of financial instruments held by a brokerage or bank. Financial instruments in a trading book are purchased or sold to...

Jim Ware – The Psychology Of Money

Jim Ware - The Psychology of MoneyDiscover the Ideal Investment Strategy for Yourself and Your Clients"To enhance investment results and boost creativity, Jim Ware replaces the maxim know your investments with know yourself. And he gives...

Guy Fraser & Sampson – Multi Asset Class Investment Strategy

Guy Fraser-Sampson - Multi Asset Class Investment StrategyThe book explains that instead of asset allocation being set in an isolated and arbitrary fashion, it is in fact the way in which specific hurdle investment returns can...

Matilda Ghyka – The Geometry Of Art & Life

Matilda Ghyka - The Geometry of Art Life Is everything chaos and chance, or is there order, harmony, and proportion in human life, nature, and the finest art? Can one find a natural aesthetic that corresponds...

Zap Seminar & David Stendahl – Day Trading The E-Minis

Zap Seminar - David Stendahl - Day Trading the E-MinisDavid StendahlPresident at Signal Trading GroupGreater New York City AreaInvestment Management SummaryMy focus is on trading systems and portfolio construction, specifically within the global futures markets. I track...

William Greene – Econometric Analysis + LimDep Software

William Greene – Econometric Analysis + LimDep SoftwareProduct DescriptionDEFINITION OF ‘TRADING BOOK’The portfolio of financial instruments held by a brokerage or bank. Financial instruments in a trading book are purchased or sold to facilitate trading for...

SimpliLearn – Business Analyst

SimpliLearn – Business Analyst This Business Analyst Master’s Program is designed to hone your expertise in the latest Business analytics tools and techniques, including planning and monitoring, data analysis and statistics, visualizations, Agile Scrum methodologies, and...

Ari Kiev – Hedge Fund Leadership

Ari Kiev - Hedge Fund Leadership Hedge Fund Leadership skillfully explains how to assemble, motivate, and manage a group of traders within a fund and sheds much-needed light on the importance of aligning traders with the overall...

Larry Pesavento – Fibonacci Ratios With Pattern Recognition

Larry Pesavento - Fibonacci Ratios with Pattern RecognitionThis is some of the best work on Fibonacci I've seen. It is very advanced but if you expend the effort to learn it the patterns are profitable. For...

George Bayer – Handbook on Trend Determination Astrological Rules for Traders

George Bayer – Handbook on Trend Determination Astrological Rules for Traders The great Masters, the writers of the Scriptures, Talmud, Koran, Confucius, Buddha, Cicero, Livy, as well as Shakespeare, Goethe, Nietzsche and others (except Luther) propound...

Robert Pardo – The Evaluation And Optimization Of Trading Strategies

Robert Pardo – The Evaluation and Optimization of Trading StrategiesDescriptionA newly expanded and updated edition of the trading classic, Design, Testing, and Optimization of Trading SystemsTrading systems expert Robert Pardo is back, and in The Evaluation...

Lorenzo Delano & Ronan Oliveira & Mindvalley – 10x Fitness

Lorenzo Delano & Ronan Oliveira & Mindvalley – 10x Fitness A Message From Vishen Lakhiani, Founder Of Mindvalley The exercise protocol you’re about to see has the potential to dramatically transform humanity’s fitness and quality of...

Larry Pesavento – Planetary Harmonics Of Speculative Markets

Larry Pesavento - Planetary Harmonics of Speculative MarketsThis book provides absolutely phenomenal trend change dates, applies George Bayer's Secrets of Forecasting Prices to financial markets, proves the validity of planetary harmonics, and illustrates hidden Fibonacci ratios.It...

Investopedia Academy – TRADING FOR BEGINNERS

Investopedia Academy – TRADING FOR BEGINNERS Take the first steps towards becoming an active trader. Learn the basics and develop a trading system that aligns with your risk tolerance and financial goals. What will I learn?...

Kim Reilly – The Ultimate Trading Solution

Kim Reilly - The Ultimate Trading Solution Package Consists Of only 8 Video + PDF Manuals Australian Options Trader, Kim Reilly has educated tens of thousands of people on how to transform their lives using his...

Tom Bierovic – Playing For Keeps In Stocks & Futures

Tom Bierovic - Playing For Keeps in Stocks Futures Playing for Keeps in Stocks and Futures offers traders three winning strategies for trading stocks and futures under any market condition and within any timeframe-from one minute...

Zoran Kolundzic – E-mini Trading Course

Zoran Kolundzic - E-mini Trading CourseDEFINITION OF 'TRADING BOOK'The portfolio of financial instruments held by a brokerage or bank. Financial instruments in a trading book are purchased or sold to facilitate trading for the institution's customers,...

Jyh & Shing Roger Jang – Neuro-Fuzzy And Soft Computing

Jyh-Shing Roger Jang - Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft ComputingIntended for use in courses on computational intelligence at either the college senior or first-year graduate level.This text provides the first comprehensive treatment of the methodologies underlying neuro-fuzzy and...

Jeff D. Opdyke – The World In Your Oyester

Jeff D Opdyke - The World is Your OysterHow Jeff D. Opdyke became a successful international investor is an Everyman tale that began thirteen years ago when he discarded conventional wisdom. At the time, Wall Street’s...

Scott Frush – Commodities Demystified + Hedge Funds Demystified

Scott Frush - Commodities Demystified Confused about commodities? Consult this essential resource Oil, rice, corn, the Euro--commodities these days are hot, and they're getting hotter. This engaging and thorough guide covers all the basics you'll need...

Moorad Choudhry – Fixed Income Securities And Derivatives Handbook Analysis And Valuation

Moorad Choudhry - Fixed Income Securities and Derivatives Handbook Analysis and ValuationThe market in bond market securities, also known as the fixed income market, is incredibly large and diverse, and one that plays an irreplaceable part...

Edward R. Dewey – How To Make A Cycle Analysis

Edward R. Dewey – How To Make A Cycle Analysis 1955. Approx. 630 pages, with charts. This how-to manual on cycle analysis was written by Edwin R. Dewey in 1955 as a correspondence course. It provides...

Van K. Tharp – Super Trader: Make Consistent Profits In Good And Bad Markets

Van K. Tharp – Super Trader: Make Consistent Profits In Good And Bad Markets Think like a trader. Act like a trader. Become a Super Trader. "Let your profits run!" It's the golden rule by which...

David Halsey – Trading the Measured Move: A Path to Trading Success in a World of Algos and High Frequency Trading

A timely guide to profiting in markets dominated by high frequency trading and other computer driven strategiesStrategies employing complex computer algorithms, and often utilizing high frequency trading tactics, have placed individual traders at a significant disadvantage...

Euan Sinclair – Options Trading. Pricing & Volatility Strategies & Technique

Euan Sinclair - Options Trading Pricing Volatility Strategies TechniqueAn A to Z options trading guide for the new millennium and the new economyWritten by professional trader and quantitative analyst Euan Sinclair, Option Trading is a comprehensive guide to this discipline...

Charles Geisst – Undue Influence. How The Wall Street Elite Puts The Financial System At Risk

Charles Geisst - Undue Influence. How the Wall Street Elite Puts the Financial System at RiskA critical look at over 80 years of conflict, collusion, and corruption between financiers and politiciansUndue Influence paints a vivid portrait...

Simpler Trading – ABC Waves and Porsche Dots Bundle (For ThinkorSwim)

Simpler Trading – ABC Waves and Porsche Dots Bundle (For ThinkorSwim) ABC Waves Indicator The ABC Waves were built by a third party developer from an algorithm comprised of various moving averages and oscillators. The idea...

MetaTrader – MetaTrader 4 Data To Wave59

MetaTrader 4 Data to Wave59Software DefinitionSoftware is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. (The term hardware describes the physical aspects of computers and related devices.)Software can...

Samuel And Co Trading – Introduction To Stocks & Forex

Samuel and Co Trading - Introduction to Stocks & ForexThis product will available 2-3 weeks later after you pay.What Will I Learn?You willbe able to trade the stock market with two of our advanced trading strategies!be...

The Hub – The Social Media Manager Toolkit

We’re Laura and Laura. We’re both social media managers and we’re the founders of the Social Media Managers Hub Facebook group (1800+ members and growing fast). Our social media manager friends all seemed to struggle with...

Draye Redfern – Legal Marketing Fundamentals

Draye Redfern - Legal Marketing Fundamentals Join The Legal Marketing Fundamentals Course Today and Gain Immediate Access to Over 20 Jam-Packed Video Lessons that Will Help You Exponentially Grow Your Law Practice You'll Have Full Lifetime...

Richard Wyckoff – Course in Stock Market Science and Technique (Wyckoff Method Of Tape Reading)

Richard Wyckoff Course in Stock Market Science and Technique Wyckoff Method Of Tape Reading Wyckoff Unleashed is our official course teaching the Wyckoff Trading Method. This course is the first ever Wyckoff Stock Market Institute course...

Matthew McCall; Mark Whistler – The Swing Trader's Bible: Strategies to Profit from Market Volatility

Matthew McCall; Mark Whistler – The Swing Trader's Bible: Strategies to Profit from Market Volatility The Swing Trader's Bible provides traders with different strategies to capitalize on market fluctuations. The majority of the time, most markets...

Tom Demark – Identifying Low-Risk Trading Opportunities + Ultimate Indicators

Tom Demark - Identifying Low-Risk Trading Opportunities + Ultimate IndicatorsUltimate Indicators: In this eye-opening keynote, Tom shares insights on some of his favorite new indicators including those that are fully revealed for the first time in...

Rishi Narang – Inside The Black Box

Inside the Black BoxDescriptionNew edition of book that demystifies quant and algo tradingIn this updated edition of his bestselling book, Rishi K Narang offers in a straightforward, nontechnical style—supplemented by real-world examples and informative anecdotes—a reliable...

Mark J. S. Keenan – Bridging Fundamental & Technical Analysis

Mark J. S. Keenan – Advanced Positioning, Flow, and Sentiment Analysis in Commodity Markets: Bridging Fundamental and Technical Analysis (Wiley Trading) The definitive book on Positioning Analysis ― a powerful and sophisticated framework to help traders,...

Aidan Booth & Steve Clayton – 100K Factory Revolution

100K Factory Revolution is software that makes creating eCommerce websites easy. It includes training and tools that allow you to build a full eCommerce website

Günter Effenberg – Selected Systems from Al-B-C to B-Hf-W

Selected Systems from Al-B-C to B-Hf-W (Landolt-B rnstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology - New Series (11E1)) 2009th Edition The sub-series Ternary Alloy Systems of the Landolt-B rnstein New Series provides reliable and comprehensive...


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