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"Traders And Investors"
Showing 1-50 of 254 items.

Euan Sinclair & James Hodges – The Quant Course: Hedge Fund Strategies For Retail Investors

Euan Sinclair & James Hodges – The Quant Course: Hedge Fund Strategies For Retail Investors The Quant Course is unlike any other options course available to retail traders - because it teaches you the math and...

Larry Levin – Consistent Trading Classroom (

Larry Levin – Consistent Recorded Trading Classroom by Trading AdvantageTrading Advantages is a leading trading education firm specializing in empowering traders to achieve and surpass their financial goals.Larry Levin established Trading Advantage™ to fulfill his lifelong...

Online Trading Academy – Core Strategy and XLT

Online Trading Academy – Core Strategy In Online Trading Academy’s Core Strategy Course, students learn the mechanics of how the financial markets work and how the law of supply and demand drives price movement in these...

Martin Pring – Technician's Guide To Day And Swing Trading

Martin Pring - Technician's Guide to Day and Swing Trading This 4-hour audio-visual CD-ROM course, intended for the beginning and intermediate trader, offers a complete guide on how technical analysis can be converted to short-term (30-minute to...

Mark Jurik – Computerized Trading (Maximizing Day Trading And Overnight Profits)

Mark Jurik - Computerized Trading (Maximizing Day Trading and Overnight Profits) Mark Jurik taps into the minds of twenty experts who reveal their strategies for maximizing profitability using computerized trading systems. Unlike other books that discuss...

Tom Dorsey – Using Point And Figure Charts To Analyze Markets

Tom Dorsey - Using Point and Figure Charts to Analyze MarketsAn up-to-date look at point and figure charting from one of the foremost authorities in the fieldIf you're looking for an investment approach that has stood...

Candlestickforum – Candlestick Training Videos (Videos 1.2 GB)

Candlestickforum - Candlestick Training Videos (Videos 1.2 GB) Include: Advanced Pattern Analysis Package ($495.34) Gaps at Top and Bottom, Major Moving Averages, Breakouts, Cradle, Belt-Hold, FryPan Bottom, J-Hook, and Scoop Patterns. Trend Analysis ($277) Hanging Man...

Van K. Tharp – Super Trader: Make Consistent Profits In Good And Bad Markets

Van K. Tharp – Super Trader: Make Consistent Profits In Good And Bad Markets Think like a trader. Act like a trader. Become a Super Trader. "Let your profits run!" It's the golden rule by which...

Michael Covel – Trend Commandments

Michael Covel - Trend CommandmentsDo you ever think the stories you hear about great trading, and the gains produced, sound like luck? Do you ever wonder if there are a real method and philosophy behind the success...

Mark R. Conway & Aaron N. Behle – Professional Stock Trading: System Design and Automation

Mark R. Conway & Aaron N. Behle – Professional Stock Trading: System Design and Automation Learn the art and science of trading systems from professional speculators. The authors share powerful long and short trading strategies in...

Jake Bernstein – High Probability Patterns And Rule Based Trading

High Probability Patterns and Rule Based Trading Jake Bernstein Rule Based Trading = High Odds of Success: How It's Done The STF Trading Model for Profitable Trading in Stocks, FOREX and Futures Highly valid high odds...

Alexander Straker – The Universal Golden Keys Series

A comprehensive and highly recommended course for traders and long-term investors, Alexander Straker, a professional Australian private client adviser presents an elegant expose of a new approach to advanced swing trading based upon the scientific principles...

Martin Thompson – Base Metals Handbook

Martin Thompson – Base Metals Handbook First published in looseleaf format in 1993, Base Metals Handbook has been described as the bible of the metals trading community. The looseleaf is divided into seven sections. The first...

Nathan Michaud – Investors Underground - Tandem Trader

Nathan Michaud – Investors Underground - Tandem Trader InvestorsLive DVD - Tandem Trader with Nathan Michaud InvestorsLive (Nathan Michaud) has long been one of the best traders in the world who specializes in intra-day trading strategies,...

Nathan Michaud – Investors Underground - Textbook Trading

Nathan Michaud – Investors Underground - Textbook Trading The perfect trading course for both beginners and experienced day traders 8+ Hours of Content Everything You Need to Get Started Trading The Most Profitable Chart Patterns...

Jeff Augen – Trading Options At Expiration-Strategies And Models For Winning The Endgame

Trading Options at Expiration-Strategies and Models for Winning the Endgame Equity and index options expire on the third Friday of each month. As that moment approaches, unusual market forces create option price distortions, rarely understood by...

Marc Rivalland – Marc Rivalland On Swing Trading

Marc Rivalland - Marc Rivalland On Swing TradingThe proactive approach to the stock market - don't be a victim - there is something you can do about it. Swing trading is an approach to the stock...

Sandy Jadeja – Fast Profits & Daily Income 2020 + Bonuses

Sandy Jadeja – Fast Profits & Daily Income 2020 + Bonuses Learn from one of the best traders in the industry. Sandy Jadeja needs a little introduction. Learn how to use his 2 Simple but highly...

Carley Garner – Currency Trading in the FOREX and Futures Markets

Carley Garner – Currency Trading in the FOREX and Futures Markets Currency trading offers immense potential to stock and futures investors seeking new speculative opportunities. However, there are several ways to trade in currencies, and many...

Traderandinvestorsummit – Trader & Investor Summit

Traderandinvestorsummit - Trader & Investor SummitFast Action Early Bird BonusesPreparatory LiveStream Training, prior to the conference to get you ready for the conference and take full advantage of it. $197 ValueSuperNova Course - This is a...

Adrienne Laris Toghraie – Commitment Workshop For Traders

Adrienne Laris Toghraie - Commitment Workshop for Traders Check here for Adrienne Laris Toghraie Package “My mission is to assist you in improving all areas of your life.” Adrienne coaches traders and investors to their next...

Investopedia – Research And Trade Like The Pros

Investopedia - Research And Trade Like The Pros Course DescriptionThis course is for: investors with at least one year of investing experience. Research and Trade Like The Pros is loaded with high-powered analytical methods and research shortcuts. You’ll learn...

Greg Morris – Candlestick Charting Explained

Greg Morris - Candlestick Charting Explained (Times Techniques for Trading Stock and Futures) Inside this book you will discover candlestick charting, one of the most popular tools in technical analysis. Candlestick Charting Explained features updated charts and analysis...

InvestorsLive – InvestorsLive Textbook Trading DVD

InvestorsLive - InvestorsLive Textbook Trading DVD Becoming a successful day trader is no easy task. It’s important to make sure you are prepared before diving into the markets. We provide top-notch education that allows you to...

Christopher Quill – How To Calculate Realized & Implied Volatility And Why It's Important

NY 2 - Christopher Quill - How To Calculate Realized & Implied Volatility and Why it's Important Part of ITPM – New York Super Conference 2016 Videos Video length: 40 Minutes After being part of the...

ITPM – London Super Conference 2016 (Institute Of Trading And Portfolio Management Collection)

ITPM - London Super Conference 2016 (Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management Collection 1-6) 1. Anton Kreil: “What Sets Apart the Best and the Worst Retail Traders?” In this Video, Anton Kreil, Managing Partner of the...

Steve Nison – The Candlestick Course

Steve Nison – The Candlestick Course Steve Nison revolutionized the world of technical analysis when his two bestselling books introduced Japanese candlestick charting techniques to the western world. "Candles," he discovered, can signal shifts in trends...

Anton Kreil – Dividends, Distributions And Trading For Income

Anton Kreil – Dividends, Distributions and Trading for Income Video length: 49 Minutes In this Video, Anton Kreil, Managing Partner of the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management, debunks with real statistics the myth of Trading...

Stan Harley – Cycles-Gann and Fibonacci 1997

Stan Harley – Cycles-Gann and Fibonacci 1997 Market Kinematics is the study of motion without regard to the forces or other factors that influence the motion. In this information packed DVD, former Top Gun pilot Stan...

Richard A. Dickson & Tracy L. Knudsen – Mastering Market Timing (Using the Works of L.M. Lowry and R.D. Wyckoff to Identify Key Market Turning Points)

Richard A. Dickson & Tracy L. Knudsen – Mastering Market Timing Using the Works of L.M. Lowry and R.D. Wyckoff to Identify Key Market Turning Points For generations, technical market analysts have relied on the Wyckoff...

Pristine – Greg Capra – Breadth And Sentiment Market Internals

Pristine – Greg Capra – Breadth And Sentiment Market Internals Pristine teaches objective trading strategies for active traders and investors. Timing trades with the market’s “mood” increases our accuracy in entering, managing and exiting trades. In...

Jason McDonald – Why Shorts Are Hard To Find And How You Can Find Great Shorts

Jason McDonald - Why Shorts are Hard to Find and How You Can Find Great Shorts Part of ITPM – New York Super Conference 2016 Videos Video length: 45 Minutes In this seminar, former Hedge Fund...

Larry Connors – The Best of the Professional Traders Journal (Options Trading and Volatility Trading)

Larry Connors – The Best of the Professional Traders Journal (Options Trading and Volatility Trading) Paperback: 55 pages Publisher: M. Gordon Publishing Group; 1 edition (February 2000) Language: English 97% of options traders lose money. Professional trader Larry Connors...

Raymond Merriman – The Ultimate Book On Stock Market Timing (Volume V) Technical Analysis And Price Objectives

Raymond Merriman - The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing (Volume V) Technical Analysis and Price Objectives THE ULTIMATE BOOK ON STOCK MARKET TIMING, VOLUME 5 TECHNICAL ANALYSIS AND PRICE OBJECTIVES BY RAYMOND MERRIMAN This book...

Raymond Merriman – The Sun, The Moon, And Silver Market Secrets Of A Silver Trader

Raymond Merriman - The Sun, The Moon, and Silver Market Secrets of a Silver Trader An excellent book for those who are primarily interested in timing the Silver market in 2-3 day intervals. Although the book...

Stephen W. Bigalow – 12 Major Candlestick Signals

Stephen W. Bigalow – 12 Major Candlestick Signals Stephen W. Bigalow possesses over twenty-five years of investment experience, including eight years as a stockbroker with major Wall Street firms: Kidder Peabody & Company, Cowen & Company and...

Thomas D.Saler – Stock Frauds, Manipulations And Insider Trading (Audio)

Thomas D.Saler - Stock Frauds, Manipulations and Insider Trading (Audio)Public confidence in financial markets depends on the perception that they are fair and just, not distorted or manipulated to the advantage of particular traders. This is...

Nathan Michaud & Tandem Trader – The Ultimate Day Trading Course

Nathan Michaud – Tandem Trader – The Ultimate Day Trading Course CONQUER THE MARKETS CHAPTER BY CHAPTER Chapter 1: Charting the Course Learn about the steps Nate took to become a consistently profitable trader and discover how...

Traderscoach – ART Trading Software (Oct 2015)

Traderscoach - ART Trading Software (Oct 2015) ART Trading Software Applied Reality Trading (ART) is a comprensive trading system that works on all markets and all time frames. This system gives you high probability entries and...

Lois Peltz – The New Investment Superstars (13 Great Investors and Their Strategies for Superior Returns)

Lois Peltz – The New Investment Superstars. 13 Great Investors and Their Strategies for Superior ReturnsLearn how these superstars invest, where they invest, what works–and what doesn’t Since people have been making money in the markets,...

Kevin B. Connolly – Buying and Selling Volatility

Kevin B.Connolly – Buying and Selling VolatilityThe concept of profiting from trading volatility is not new, but is known to only a few players in the derivatives industry. Buying and Selling Volatility is the first book...

Larry Williams – Trade Stocks and Commodities with the Insiders (Secrets of the COT Report)

Larry Williams – Trade Stocks and Commodities with the Insiders (Secrets of the COT Report) “The way that Big Money got to be Big Money was by also being the Smart Money, and so it is...

Mark Conway – Professional Stock Trading. System Design and Automation

Mark Conway – Professional Stock Trading. System Design and Automation Learn the art and science of trading systems from professional speculators. The authors share powerful long and short trading strategies in TradeStation that span all time...

Larry Connors – Options Trading and Volatility Trading

Larry Connors – Options Trading and Volatility Trading 97% of options traders lose money. Professional trader Larry Connors shares his best options trading strategies with you to help you avoid being just another losing trader. By...

Tim Ord – The Secret Science of Price and Volume (Techniques for Spotting Market Trends, Hot Sectors, and the Best Stocks)

Tim Ord – The Secret Science of Price and Volume (Techniques for Spotting Market Trends, Hot Sectors, and the Best Stocks) In The Secret Science of Price and Volume, leading market timer Tim Ord outlines a...

Traderscoach – ART Charting Software

ART Charting Software (2006-11-08)Welcome and thank you for your interest in Applied Reality Trading®. The ART® Trading Software is a sophisticated and fun trading and investment tool designed to enhance, educate, and deliver results. The Applied...

Candlecharts – Nison Candle Scanner Pro

Candlecharts – Nison Candle Scanner Pro Steve Nison is known worldwide as the father of modern candlestick charting. He not only introduced this exciting and powerful charting method to Western traders, but he continues training thousands...

Edgar E. Peters – Chaos and order in the Capital Markets

Edgar E. Peters – Chaos and order in the Capital Markets The latest developments in chaos theory – from an industry expert Chaos and Order in the Capital Markets was the first book to introduce and...

Cautilya Capital – I3T3 Complete Course

Cautilya Capital – I3T3 Complete Course Most comprehensive Training & Mentorship Program for 'Traders and Investors" Statistics say 90% of the traders don't make it more than three years and lose money! The program is a...

Wiley Trading – A Complete Guide To The Futures Market 2nd Edition

A Complete Guide to the Futures Market (Wiley Trading) 2nd Edition by Jack D. Schwager, Mark Etzkorn Technical Analysis, Trading Systems, Fundamental Analysis, Options, Spreads, and Trading Principles The essential futures market reference guide A Complete...


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