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Marina 'The Trader Chick' – Simplifying Day Trading Futures
HOW DO YOU DEVELOP a SOLID PLAN and STRATEGY that feels comfortable and brings YOU consistent profitable results?
This course is for you if:
- You’re ready to learn day trading from the beginning, step-by-step.
- You’re okay with day trading being a side gig - for now.
- You are ready to have a solid foundation, strategy, and trading plan. You are eager to learn from a mentor.
This course is NOT for you if:
- You are looking to start earning $500 a day right now.
- You don’t have the patience to follow through with the steps in the course and take shortcuts.
- You really just want someone else to trade for you.
Get Simplifying Day Trading Futures or the other courses from the same one of these categories: Marina 'The Trader Chick', Futures, Video for free on Course Sharing.
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